Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Season 2007

We had brunch with Lauri and Jeff on Christmas Day. This was the second year that we went to their house rather than having them over to our house. Lauri cook our traditional egg-sausage casserole and hash brown casserole. I fixed the Swedish Tearing that we have had for years. We also had a fruit salad with cooked dressing. After we ate we opened gifts.

On the way from Forrest City to Memphis Lynda and I counted 33 red-tailed hawks. That is the most that we had ever seen in one day. The hawks were spread out over about 40 miles and most were perched looking out over their territory.

We went back to Memphis two days later so we could see the Pissaro exhibit at the Brooks Museum. We enjoyed the exhibit very much. After the excursion to the museum we stopped by the Pier 1 on Walnut Grove. As we drove in and parked I noticed smoke coming from the Mini Cooper that was parked in front of us. I re-parked in another spot and went in to try to locate the owner of the Mini. I told the first clerk that I saw about the smoking car and she went to find the owner. I asked a second clerk about a fire extinguisher. He located one and we proceeded out to the vehicle. The owner came out and called for a fire truck. When we opened the hood of the car, there were flames at the back of the motor. The store clerk used the fire extinguisher to put the fire out. The firemen arrived and checked things out. I'm hoping that there was not a great deal of damage to the car.

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