Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thinking Back

Lynda and I both love to travel and being in the. Teaching profession gave us time for traveling. The first three summers of out marriage were spent going to summer to get our masters degrees. Even though I had not finished my masters, we decided we would spend some time during the summer of 1964 seeing some of Texas.

We were fortunate enough to visit the Capitol in Austin, San Jacinto monument, and the Alamo in San Antonio. These are still some of our favorite places.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Good Saturday

Today was a fairly lazy day, but I did get a few things done. I drove by the farmer's market hoping one of the guys would have some fresh peas. A few days ago I got some pink eyed purple hull peas that were very good, but today I was out of luck. Maybe early next week.

I baked some biscotti. I have several recipes, but I tried a new one I found online.

For supper, I fixed Navajo tacos.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Pleasant Meal

This morning we had brunch. For the past several years we have taken turn with Betty & Mike preparing Monday suppers. Betty is involved with the local little theater group's production of "The Sound of Music" and they are at the point of nightly rehearsals, so we decided to have a Tuesday brunch instead of a supper.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Connected to a keyboard via bluetooth

This is the photo of the keyboard.
We drove o Memphis so I could go to Best Buy to get the keyboard. It is so much easier to type with the keyboard rather than using the virtual one on the IPad.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Bit of Rain

Well, we finally have had a bit of rain. The last time I checked the rain gauge, there was 1 inch. It has rained some more, but not very much. The rain has kept the temperature down. We had several above 100 degrees temperatures earlier, so the 80-degrees temps are nice. And, it gives us a break from watering the flowers.
The second crop of figs should start getting ripe. Lynda's hanging basket looks good after the milder weather. I wish the bougainvillea was hardy here in eastern Arkansas. Last winter we stored one in the garage. It survived, but is slow to re-bloom.
This year I have a few cleome growing. I first became aware of this flower in 1979 or so. I first saw them (or at least to really notice them) in the garden at John Quincy Adams' home. One of the gardeners gave me a young plant and I brought it back to Arkansas. Since they are good re-seeders, I had them in the garden for years but somewhere along the line we lost them. it's good to have them back!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

July 2012

We've had several celebrations (quiet ones) the last several weeks. L.K. and I celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary on June 25th, then the next week we had her birthday on July 2nd, then independence day, and today is my birthday (July 7). Two of Lynda's cousins (Carolyn and Valerie) came for a short visit and we drove over to Memphis to visit Lauri and have supper at the Bar-B-Que shop.They left after brunch today on their way to Mena to spend the weekend with their Mom in Mena before heading back to the Dallas area.We haven't done a lot of traveling this summer. I ended up having two surgeries to take care of some hernias. It wasn't real fun, but not as bad as I had thought it would be. The first was in March, and Lynda and Lauri took great care of me. The second was the latter part of June. I've about back to normal activity, now. (But that isn't all that active)!