Thursday, December 27, 2012

Getting Set for the New Year

We have had a good Christmas! It started earlier this month when our friends, Ray & Carolyn, came for our Christmas party.

Dennis & Gwenda who are our younger, old-time friends drove down from Batesville to be a part of our celebration.

Our daughter, Lauri, and her friend, Susie, were a big help as were Mike and Betty.
We had a lovely, meaningful service at church on Christmas Eve. Lauri and Susie came for Christmas brunch. Our weathermen were forecasting a possible blizzard, so we encouraged Lauri to get back to Memphis before nightfall.

We did have a snow covered yard by midnight, so we were happy to know Lauri was home safely.
We are now looking forward to a New Year's gathering with Ray & Carolyn, and possibly Robert & Olivia. This will be the 50th consecutive New Year's Day that we have been with Ray and Carolyn.
- Posted by Lamar using BlogPress for IPad

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas

The weather is nice, but cold. The decorations are up, And the meals are planned. There are no elaborate gifts under the tree, but that's o.k. Since we have everything that we really need.

I wish a Merry Christmas to everyone and hope the New Year holds wonderful things for you.

- Posted by Lamar using BlogPress for IPad