Friday, February 11, 2011

Warming Up

We ended up getting about 5 inches of snow on Wednesday. The temperature got up to 40 degrees F today, but there is still a bit of snow around.

Lynda and I didn't get out until today. I drove her to Cathy's to get her hair done and the roads were o.k. with just a little ice in spots.

We watched a lot of T.V. last night and today. Our friends, Ray and Carolyn, are scheduled to fly to Israel on Feb 15th. Their plans call for visits to Jordan and Egypt. Maybe the Eqypt excursion will work out after all.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Here It Comes

I just saw the first few flakes of the new snow that we are getting today. The forecast is for us to get 1-2 inches during the winter storm. The streets and ground are clear of the last snowfall we had on Monday.

It is now 10:22 a.m. and the snow is really coming down. At this rate it shouldn't take too long for the ground to be covered since the temperature is below freezing.

I'm going to take a photo to post here.

This photo was taken at about 10:30 a.m.

This photo was taken at 1:45 p.m.
It is still snowing at 5:25 p.m.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Snow and More Snow

Lynda and I went to visit with Ray and Carolyn on Wednesday. We had no problem driving to Paris, TX from Forrest City, AR. We had a good visit with our friends that included seeing the Paris Community Theater's production of "Steel Magnolias". Lynda and I had seen the movie when in came out some years ago, but had never seen a stage production of the play. It was delightful.

Our plan called for us to drive back home on Friday.

Well, when we got up on Friday we had about 7 inches of snow on the ground and the advice was to not travel if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Since there wasn't an urgent need for us to get home, we stay and extra day with Ray and Carolyn.