Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Season

We had a good Thanksgiving. Had the opportunity to visit with friends and relatives--and partake of some good food.

Lynda and I are getting geared up for a trip to Texas for a wedding and also for our Christmas party. Lynda takes care of the decorating and I do the cooking.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Trying to Catch Up

I let myself get a bit behind in posting to this blog. I'm not going to promise that I will do better, because with the busy holiday season coming I know I'll most likely fall behind again.

I still waiting to hear from the insurance company on how to proceed getting the van repaired. I know that I didn't post anything about being rear-ended on that trip to Memphis, but we were. No one hurt, and the damage doesn't look too bad--the van is drivable.

I am in the process of scanning the scrapbook that my grandmother kept. I promised two nieces that I would get it done for them. I borrowed the scrapbook from my niece Jeannie several years ago, but always found more interesting things to do.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A Trip to Memphis

Today was the day for Lynda's appointment with her surgeon. We had some shopping to do in Memphis so we went over this morning and did that before the appointment. Of course, we had more to do than the time we had alloted so we postponed lunch until after seeint the doctor.

We had country fried steak at Chili's for lunch, then had two more stops before we went by to see Lauri at her place of work.

We visited for a brief time then headed out for W. Memphis. At Riverside Drive and W. Carolina Avenue, we were rear-ended. The guy who hit us was blinded by the sun as he pulled away for the same stop sign that I had just left. He didn't see that I had paused to allow a car to go by. Since he had just started up from the stop sign, he wasn't traveling at a high speed. The damage to the back end of the van doesn't look all that bad, but that doesn't mean it will be cheap to repair.

The guy does have insurance.